Monday, October 10, 2011

Grinding Gourmet Coffee

Coffee Burr Grinder

Quality brewing always needs a quality grind of your coffee beans. And you must keep your coffee beans fresh and only grind them right before you brew them. So it's not so important how you grind but when you grind. It is not enough to grow superior coffee beans. If you are not having a proper coffee grind, then get ready for a worse brew. Costa Rica is best in both growing nice beans and grinding them in the right way.

Coffee Burr Grinder

The grinding is done only to get the best flavors out of the coffee beans while infused in hot water. There are three categories for perfect Gourmet coffee grinds, the fine, the medium and the coarse. The third kind i.e. the coarsest one is mainly used in the traditional pot method, the medium grind is required for plunger methods (methods used in drip filters) of coffee making and the finest one is needed for perfect espresso brewing.

Coffee Burr Grinder

If you try to bring in some alterations in the usage of these three diverse coffee grinds, you will surely fail. Trying the coarse one in espressos and the finer ones in drip filters will never work the wonders for you. Strong and mild brews are based on the quantity of coffee your use, not the grind.

Coffee Burr Grinder

The best flavor is obtained if you grind the gourmet beans just before brewing the coffee. This freshness and superiority exists only for a few days after the grinding. Moisture and oxygen oxidizes the coffee and it gradually looses the original flavor. So it is always better to grind the beans just before the brew.

However, health benefits are easily achievable if you learn to make a perfect cup of gourmet coffee. This will make your kid drink at least a glass of delicious coffee everyday. Learn different other gourmet coffee recipes, so that the taste of coffee doesn't become monotonous to your child. Desserts like Caramel Macchiato, Cappuccino and Latte can be some nice options for you.

Grinding gourmet beans is quite a simple task to pursue. The market holds a large variety of coffee bean grinders, which can also add up to the exquisiteness of your kitchen. The most hugely used coffee bean grinders of the past are mortar & pestle. The grinds obtained from these devices are not consistent and also requires a lot of time. However, the present day electronic grinding devices have made the task a lot easier.

The electronic motor-grinders are either with powerful blades or crushing burr-plates. The first one is a lot cheaper compared to the burr-grinders. But the burr-grinder is more liked by the mass due to its attractive appearance. Once you become comfortable to grind your own gourmet coffee beans, having a pot of healthy coffee daily will no more be a dream for you.

Grinding Gourmet Coffee

Coffee Burr Grinder

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